Right about the time my Spring Texas home buyers are admiring how beautifully the stainless steel refrigerator matches the other the stainless steel kitchen appliances is when they will will turn to me and ask “Does the refrigerator stay with the house?” Usually, my answer is “I am sorry but the refrigerator does not stay with the house and neither do the washer and dryer”.
There are numerous items that do stay with the Spring Texas house you purchase and our Texas Residential Real Estate Contract goes into explicit detail outlining these additional items. The items are broken down into the two categories of Improvements and Accessories.
Improvements are all other fixtures and improvements attached to the property including the following permanently installed and built-in items: all equipment and appliances, valances, screens, shutters, lighting fixtures, chandeliers, ceiling fans, water softener system, garage door openers, shrubbery, landscaping, and outdoor cooking equipment.
Accessories are fireplace screens, curtains and rods, blinds, window shade, draperies and rods, swimming pool equipment, and artifical fireplace logs.
These items all seem self explanatory but there are other items such as surround sound speakers, playsets, and potted plants that are left up to the interpretation of the buyers and sellers as to whether they stay with the house. Interpretations of what stays with the house have quickly ended more contract negotiations than what you probably think.
If you are wondering whether an item goes or stays with the house, my advice to you is just ask the seller. Don’t make any assumptions that could later turn into a heated battle between you and the sellers.
If you are selling your Spring Texas home, my advice is before you put your house on the real estate market take down everything you want to take with you. If the buyers don’t see an item, they won’t want it to stay with the house. If you must leave an item out that you are planning on taking with you clearly identify the item as an exclusion on the home’s listing.
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