Is insert name of neighborhood a good Spring Texas neighborhood to live in? If you are relocating to Spring Texas, this is a question you want answered. Unfortunately, the National Association of Realtors code of ethics prohibits Realtors which includes me from directly answering this question.
So where can you go to get information on crime rates for Spring Texas? has an easy to use interface and allows you to search by specific zip codes. The data is more up to date than the U.S. census data which is only updated every 10 years but not as frequently as what I would like.
The website and they also have an APP that I have found to be best source of information for crime rates in Spring Texas is The source of crime data is from Harris County Precinct 4.
It probably won’t come as a surprise to you that there is an iPhone APP available to help you with crime rates. The APP is called the Offender Locator and there is a free version and also a paid version for $1.99. It will use your GPS location and provide you with a list and a map of the location of sex offenders in Spring Texas. Each red pin on the map to the right is the location of a sex offender. If you don’t have an iPhone, go to to locate the sex offenders in the area.
Another really good source are subdivision newsletters. The majority of Spring Texas subdivisions publish a monthly or every other month newsletter and you will typically find the crime statistics for the subdivision published in them.