North, South, East, or West which direction of a house’s front door is best for resale? The answer depends upon geography and ethnic break down.
In Spring Texas, we average 207 days of sunshine in a year which is a lot of sunshine. The high quantity of sunshine days, its intensity, coupled with buyers desires for low utility bills fuels demand for North – South facing homes in Spring Texas. As important as utility bills is whether the patio will have morning or afternoon sun. Outdoor living spaces are the rage. We want to be outside. Patios with morning sun are more desirable. In the evening, we want the house to shade our patio. We don’t want to have the sun beating down on us while we grill out.
But not all buyers want North – South facing homes which is good news because we have a lot of East – West facing homes too.
Some buyers are guided by their religious beliefs as to which direction the house should by facing. In Vastu Shastra, an ancient science, the preferable directions are East followed by North. In Feng Shui, a person is guided by their personal kua number which is derived from their birth date and gender. The kua number identifies which directions are most favorable. Houston is the most ethnic diverse city in the U.S. We do have buyers that factor the homes direction into their buying decision.
Personally, I have had the most buyer requests for homes facing North and the least requests for homes facing West. Since resale value is based upon supply and demand, my unscientific survey identifies houses with their front door facing North will have the highest resale value.
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