If you use your cell phone when driving around the Spring Texas area, then you need to be aware of a state law that went into effect today. As of September 1st, cell phone use has become prohibited in school zones.
For the law to be enforceable a cell phone use prohibited sign must be posted. As of 10:00 am, the sign to the left had already been posted at Roth Elementary and by the end of the day I noticed numerous school zones in the Klein School District had posted signs.
Considering the large quantity of motorists I regularly see talking on their cell phones, I suspect this law is going to be difficult for many of them to get use to. I know at least one motorist became much more aware of the new law today as I saw her getting pulled over in the Haude Elementary school zone on Louetta for talking on her cell phone. Breaking of the law comes with a fine of up to $200 which I am not quite sure how the “UP TO” portion works but I am not going to personally find out.
Many states have laws prohibiting cell phone use while driving not just while driving in a school zone. So I think I can change my calling habits enough to wait the few minutes it takes to drive through a school zone before I place a call.
For a look at the state cell phone driving laws in individual states visit the Governor’s Highway Safety Association.