Today, June 1st is the start of hurricane season. Will this be the year another Allison or Ike comes to pay us a visit? Who knows? But now is the time to prepare.
Put together a basic hurricane emergency supply kit that includes: a three day supply of water and non-perishable food, flashlight and extra batteries, battery powered radio, first aid kit, can opener, wrench, and garbage bags.
Review your homeowners insurance policy. Is your coverage up to date? Take photos and collect receipts of hard to replace items.
Do you have flood insurance on your home? Don’t wait until there is a named storm in the Gulf to call your insurance agent because at that point it is too late. As all flood insurance policies have a 30 day waiting
period before they become effective.
A common misconception is that flood insurance is part of your homeowners insurance policy. It is not. Flood insurance is a separate insurance policy. If you don’t have flood insurance on your Spring Texas home, you should seriously consider getting it. If you are not in the 100 year flood zone, the cost is relatively inexpensive at around $325 a year.
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