Woulda, coulda, shoulda …. the regrets of home buyers. Here’s a list of regrets I have compiled from Spring Texas home buyers so that maybe you can gain from their hindsight.
- I wish I would have chosen a house with a smaller yard. Cutting grass when it’s 95 degrees and 85% humidity is exhausting.
- I
should have gotten the home inspected. Since it was a new home, I thought there wouldn’t be anything wrong with it. Builder says the repair is not covered under the warranty. Ouch!!
- I should have asked to see the sellers water bills. My monthly water bill is more than my electric bill … Ridiculous!
- I wished I would have taken notes when the seller showed me how to turn on the gas fireplace. I know there’s a trick to it but I can’t seem to figure it out.
- I should have walked around the backyard. The neighbor’s dog barks uncontrollably whenever I’m in my backyard which is not much now.
- I wished I would have thought more about resale. An apartment complex is being built on what use to be the empty lot behind my house.
- I should have driven through the neighborhood at different times of the day and different days of the week. Driving down my street on the weekend is like driving on an obstacle course with lots of weaving and dodging.
- I should have paid closer attention to the condition of the carpets. No matter which way I arrange my furniture it still doesn’t cover all the spots.
- I should have investigated plans for future road development. The Grand Parkway is going to be built right behind my house. Good for my commute time but bad for a good night’s sleep.
- I should have said “NO” to the house with the wallpaper. I eventually got the wallpaper off but with it came the sheet rock.
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