Your chances of catching a fish at the lake in Meyer Park in Spring Texas will increase after Harris County Precinct 4 annual trout stocking event. Each January, Harris County Precinct 4 and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department restocks Meyer Park’s 1 acre lake.
Over 2,000 youth trout join the catfish and trout that currently call Meyer Park lake home. Anglers under the age of 17 enjoy FREE fishing. Each anlger is limited to a daily catch of five trout. But there is no minimum length limit. Anglers 17 or older will need to purchase a $5 freshwater fishing stamp and have a valid Texas fishing license.
What a great way to spend the day. When is the last time that you spent the day fishing? If you can’t remember then it has been too long. Grab your pole and go cast your line at Meyer Park in Spring Texas.
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