In previous years, we typically would receive the notice of appraisal value of Spring Texas homes in April. We would have until May 31st or 30 days after the date the appraisal district sent the notice whichever is later to protest the value. But for 2008, the dates have changed.
You now have until April 30th or 30 days after the date the appraisal district sent the notice whichever is later to protest. The new protest deadlines are due to the passing of a new law that changed the dates.
To muddle the waters a little further, homeowners can still file a protest without penalty until the old deadline of May 31st.
The entire process of protesting HCAD‘s appraised value of your home can feel overwhelming and intimidating. I know I felt that way the first time I protested our valuation. But remember, it is your constitutional right to have equal and fair taxation. So don’t let the bureaucratic process intimidate you.
Now here’s a couple of quick tips on how to reduce your Spring Texas real estate tax liability:
1) Make sure your tax account reflects all exemptions that you have applied for. If it does not immediately contact the Harris County Appraisal District at 713.957.7800. The available exemptions are general homestead, over 65, disability, and over 55 surviving spouse.
2) If you purchased your home in 2007 and HCAD has the appraised value higher than your sales price, you should without hesitation protest the value. Just dig out your HUD-1, the closing statement, from the stack of documents you received at closing and bring it with you to your scheduled protest hearing. Based upon your HUD-1, the HCAD representative will immediately reduce the appraised value of your Spring Texas home to your sales price.
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