To coincide with the opening of Blackshear Elementary in the fall of 2011, Klein school district recently announced the completion of their rezoning efforts. With the addition of each new school, Klein school district rezones to balance each school’s individual enrollment.
The chart to the right identifies the subdivisions impacted by the rezoning of Klein ISD elementary schools.
As Spring Texas continues to attract more families, the growth in school enrollment will continue. Demand for more schools to be built will continue and along with it the rezoning of schools to balance enrollment.
When you are buying a home in Spring Texas, you have numerous criteria the house must meet before you will call it home. If you have school age children, one of those criteria is probably the schools the home is zoned to.
When you are making your decision as to which home in Spring Texas to purchase, remember you can’t guarantee the individual schools the home is zoned to. You can only guarantee the school district the home is zoned to.
A little trivia: Blackshear Elementary was named after William Blackshear, who in 1884 became the first postmaster in Klein.