
December 2, 2015

Should you get your Spring Texas home inspected before listing it?

Should you get your Spring Texas home inspected before putting a For Sale sign in the yard?  Yes or No ? Both answers have advantages and disadvantages.   Yes – The advantages of getting your home inspected before listing it are: 1. repairs could be made for less money.  Instead of hiring licensed technicians which is […]
November 20, 2015

8 reasons to list your house during the holidays

Here are 8 reasons why you should list your Spring Texas house during the holidays instead of waiting until after the new year. 1. Buyers who are looking during the holidays are SERIOUS buyers. You will receive fewer showings but the showings you do receive are by motivated buyers. 2. There’s fewer homes on the […]
November 13, 2015

Holiday activities in Spring Texas and the Woodlands – 2015

The holidays are upon us once again and just like every year they will go by in the blink of an eye. So get out your calendar and schedule time to spend with your family picking out the perfect tree, viewing holiday light displays, attending theater performances, going ice skating, getting a picture taken with Santa, […]
November 4, 2015

Voters are tired of congestion – major road bond propositions pass

Voters are tired of road congestion. Two major road bond propositions on the November 3rd, 2015 ballot PASS. 73% of votes cast in favor of Harris County Proposition 1 “Road Improvement Bonds”.  Proposition 1 is a $700 million bond referendum for road improvements of which $60 million is earmarked for subdivision street repair and maintenance.  The […]
October 27, 2015

Reduce congestion – Vote YES for $700 million in road improvement bonds for Harris County

UPDATED:  Harris County Proposition 1 PASSES with 73% of voters in favor of Bond Proposition. Are you tired of the road congestion on Gosling?  A Yes vote for the Harris County Proposition 1 “Road Improvement Bonds” could help reduce the congestion.  Harris County has four different bond proposals on the November 3rd ballot totaling $848 […]
October 25, 2015

Spring Texas real estate tax rates are on the decline

In Spring Texas, the real estate tax rate is a combination of the tax rates of the school district, the county, and the MUD. The GOOD NEWS is the tax rates for each of these taxing entities have either declined or remained the same over the last couple of years.  The BAD NEWS is the […]
October 19, 2015

Lower Spring Texas real estate taxes – Vote YES for Prop 1

UPDATED:  With a 86% in favor Vote State Proposition 1 PASSED.  State Proposition 1 – the Homeowner Tax Relief Proposition increases the state minimum homestead exemption for public schools from $15,000 to $25,000. The last time the homestead exemption was increased was in 1997 at which time it increased from $5,000 to $15,000. With the passing of State […]
January 13, 2015

Spring Texas Real Estate Market finishes 2014 on a high note

What a year!  2014 was the best residential real estate year in the history of Spring Texas. Single family home sales were UP. Home prices were UP. Sales price per square foot was UP. Sales Price to List Price was UP. Average Days on Market was DOWN. Months of Inventory was DOWN. 2014 single family homes […]
January 9, 2015

New first time home buyer loan program has lower down payment

Were you thinking about buying your first Spring Texas home in 2014 but didn’t due to a high down payment and a high credit score requirement?   If so, you will want to learn about a new first time home buyer loan program.  It might just turn you into a new Spring Texas homeowner. The outline of the program is below: […]