If you live in Spring Texas you will be treated to plenty of blue skies and sunshine. Just how many days of sunshine? 207 days of sunshine which is more than 56% of the days in the year.
How much rain does the Spring Texas sky deliver on the other 44% of the days in the year?
According to weather.com, Spring Texas receives 48 inches per year. The U.S. average rainfall is 37 inches per year.
Producing an average of 5.35 inches June would be considered our umbrella month which is closely followed by May at 5.15 inches. The driest month in Spring Texas is February with 2.98 inches of rain.
Don’t worry if your house hunting trip coincides with a rainy month because Rick and I show Spring Texas homes in all weather conditions, rain or shine. Plus we carry extra umbrellas in our cars just in case you need one.
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