When you want to find something, what do you do? You Google it. That is exactly what a lot of other people do to which is why there were 10.3 billion searches performed on Google in July of 2010. If you are looking for Spring Texas Real Estate, what do you do? You Google it.
Your real estate agent’s marketing plan probably included advertising your home on her website. This is great! It is one more website where buyers will be able to find that your house is “For Sale”.
But wait a minute … just because your real estate agent has a website doesn’t automatically mean buyers will be able to find it. When you Google “Spring Texas Real Estate”, you receive 564,000 results.
Are buyers going to search through the 564,000 results until they find your real estate agent’s website where your home is prominently displayed? Probably not.
Buyers are going to check out the first 10 or so results that appear after the results in the Sponsored links section.
Go do your own googling. Google the search terms you think buyers will use when wanting to find homes for sale in Spring Texas. Check to see if your real estate agent’s website is in the top 10 or so search results.
If you can’t find your real estate agent’s website, how will buyers be able to find it.
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