In Spring Texas, our property tax system is comprised of four stages: 1. Appraising the taxable property, 2. Reviewing and equalizing the appraised values, 3. Adopting the tax rates and 4. Collecting the taxes.
Appraising the taxable property – Residential properties in Harris County are appraised as of January 1st of the tax year. An appraised value and a market value is determined for your home. Between January 1 – April 30th, the Harris County appraisal district also processes applications for exemptions with the most common exemption being the Homestead Exemption. You will be notified via mail of the tax assessed value of your home. But you can also go onto the Harris County website of www.hcad.org to view the tax assessed value.
Reviewing and equalizing the appraised values – If you believe the tax assessed value of your Spring Texas home is not correct, you have either 30 days from your date of notice or June 1st whichever is later to file a protest. The Harris County Appraisal Review Board begins hearing protests around May 15th.
Adopting the tax rates – Around September or October, the elected officials of the taxing units (County, MUD, and school districts) adopt the tax rates for the current year.
Collecting the taxes – You will receive a separate property tax bill from Harris County, your school district either Conroe, Klein, or Spring, and your M.U.D. Property tax bills begin showing up in mailboxes around the November time frame. You have until January 31st of the next following year to pay the real estate taxes. On February 1st, all unpaid taxes are considered delinquent and penalty and interest charges are applied.
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