
August 6, 2008

Spring Texas schools experience jump in latest TEA ratings

The release of the latest TEA (Texas Education Agency) school ratings have left some Spring Texas school teachers and principals beaming with joy and some down right crowing from their accomplishments. The TEA rates schools and districts primarily based upon the test results of the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS). A standardized test […]
April 6, 2008

How are the schools in Spring Texas?

One of the questions, we are asked the most has to be “How are the schools in Spring Texas?” Its a good question. The quality of schools not only impact the education received by our children but they also impact real estate prices. A quality school that is in demand will increase real estate prices […]
March 25, 2008

Spring TX real estate taxes to increase if school bond passes

One of the bad things about growth is that sooner or later we are going to have to pay for its impact on our infrastructure. And pay we do, usually in the form of increased taxes. Over the last four years, our Klein school district has experienced growth. Growth of more than 16% or 6,000 […]
January 29, 2008

Klein school district experiences 16% growth

Since the 2004 bond election, Klein, a fast growth school district in Spring Texas, has experienced 16% growth. And the district does not see the growth stopping. As they are projecting the growth to continue for the next 10 years at a rate of 4% a year. That means by 2016, Klein school district is […]
December 28, 2007

Klein school district tax rate second lowest in greater Houston area

In a comparison with other school districts in the greater Houston Texas metropolitan area, Klein school district has the second lowest property tax rate. Klein school district is located in Spring Texas. The Klein school district property tax rate for 2007 is $1.26 per $100 valuation. The award winning Klein schools offer a good public […]
September 19, 2007

Klein school district in Spring Texas prepares for growth

The Klein school district in Spring TX is forming planning committees to analyze its needs for a bond referendum expected to be called in 2008. Klein school district currently has 43,000 students enrolled and the projections are for an additional 18,000 to 22,000 students to be seeking education in Klein schools within 10 years. To […]
August 20, 2007

Rating Texas Schools

Whether you have school age children or not, you are still going to want to know how Texas public schools are rated. The perceived quality of education that the children receive will impact housing demand and the correspondingly potential price appreciation that you can hope to gain on your Spring TX home. Let’s begin with […]
August 18, 2007

bus schedules for Spring Texas schools

With school starting again, its time to figure out the bus schedule for your kid’s school. The school districts in Spring, Texas have excellent web sites that are loaded with all the information you need. Your child’s school district will either be Spring ISD , Klein ISD, or Conroe ISD. These schools provide bus service […]