
March 20, 2010

What are closing costs and how much are they?

If you are thinking about buying a Spring Texas home, you will soon hear either your Realtor or your loan officer mention the phrase “closing costs”.  Closing costs are the fees associated with buying a home.  It is money you will need in addition to your down payment.  Closing costs vary from state to state and […]
March 17, 2010

Spring Texas Real Estate: Market Report February 2010

What’s going on with the Spring Texas Real Estate Market?  The real estate market continues to resemble 2009.  The sales for the month of February were 134 which is 11 sales fewer or 7.5% less than February 2009’s number of 145.  Active listings total 1,087 which is 1.7% less listings than February 2009.  Again not much different.  […]
March 15, 2010

Art for the everyman on display in Spring Texas

Have you seen the art on display by Felix Gonzalez-Torres?  If you frequently drive up and down Louetta in Spring Texas like I do, you have probably seen it.  You just didn’t know it.  Sound weird?  Probably so.  That’s because the art was designed to become part of the landscape. For the next year, 13 images created […]
March 13, 2010

BTSAs … money spent wisely or foolishly?

Separately the letters B, T, S, and A, don’t mean much but put them together and they become BTSA which means EXTRA money to a buyer’s agent.  A BTSA is a Bonus To the Selling Agent. It is money the sellers have agreed to pay, in addition to a commission, to the buyer’s agent. Its no secret that Spring […]
March 4, 2010

Welcome Home party for Olympic speed skater, Chad Hedrick

On March 6th at 6 P.M. Strack’s restaurant is hosting a “Welcome Home” party for Spring Texas’s hometown boy, Chad Hedrick. Chad is returning from his second Winter Olympics where he competed in the sport of speed skating and compete he did.  As Chad is bringing home a silver and a bronze medal from the 2010 Winter […]
March 2, 2010

Deed Restrictions Dos and Don’ts

If you are living in Spring Texas, you will find it hard to escape deed restrictions.  As about 99% of our Spring Texas subdivisions have deed restrictions. The existence of deed restrictions means you will have someone telling you what you can and can’t do to your yard and house. I know not everyone is fond of deed restrictions but […]
February 24, 2010

What do buyers want in a Spring Texas home?

Each year a real estate magazine or a home magazine will publish a new list on what buyers want in a home. If you are thinking about remodeling or getting ready to put your home on the Spring Texas real estate market, then reviewing a list on what today’s buyers want is a great way to make sure […]
February 22, 2010

T.C. Jester connection from Louetta to Spring Cypress completed

Getting around Spring Texas has just gotten a little easier with the completion of the extension of T.C. Jester.  At an estimated cost of over $3.4 million, the Harris County Precinct 4 project, extends T.C. Jester from Center Court Dr. (the last street in the Spring Creek Oaks subdivision) to Spring Cypress. The project also included the addition of a must […]
February 19, 2010

What’s the value of the over 65 exemption?

Are you going to be turning 65 soon?  If so, you are probably already aware that you are eligible for Medicare.  But did you know you will be eligible for a reduction in your Spring Texas real estate taxes?  That’s right another reason to get excited about turning 65. Unlike the homestead exemption that comes with restrictions […]