
January 8, 2010

8 ways for homeowners to save money

Did the holidays drain your bank account?  If so, here are some tips to help you save money on the costs of homeownership this year. 1.  Claim all your real estate tax exemptions – one of the easiest ways to reduce the taxes on your Spring Texas home is to claim the homestead exemption offered by the state. Go to […]
January 6, 2010

Tax credits for move-up home buyers

If you are looking to buy a house in Spring Texas this year, there is a good chance you are familiar with the first time home buyers tax credit.  But did you know the expanded and extended homebuyers tax credit bill that was passed in November 2009 contained a tax credit for what is being […]
January 4, 2010

The easiest way to save money on your real estate taxes

Content UPDATED for 2021 – filing for a homestead exemption is still the easiest way to save money on your real estate taxes. These days we are all looking for ways to save money whether it be on our grocery bill or our real estate tax bill.  The easiest way to save money on your Spring Texas […]
December 31, 2009

Fireworks and New Year’s Eve

Parties, horns, Champagne toasts and fireworks are all things that are associated with ringing in the New Year.  In some parts of the country and in most cities fireworks are prohibited. In the city of Houston fireworks are prohibited but in unincorporated areas of Harris County such as Spring Texas fireworks are permitted.  But it is not a free for […]
December 30, 2009

New Year … New sellers disclosure

A  new year brings lots of things. New resolutions, new opportunities, new laws, and this year a new seller’s disclosure from the Texas Association of Realtors. Well …. maybe not quite new but changed. Effective on the first day of 2010, changes to TAR-1406 (the Seller’s Disclosure Notice) will be made to …. Section 5 – Are you […]
December 28, 2009

A new business model

Its almost the end of December and I am doing what I usually do this time of year.  I am finishing up on my business plan for the coming year.  I start by reviewing my expenses, analyzing the source of my business, and the calculating the ROI. I also analysis ROT (Return on Time) since I do a lot of Social Media Marketing . After analyzing […]
December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

Our best wishes to you and yours for a magical holiday season filled with happiness and joy. Congratulations to all the first time home buyers who will be celebrating their first Christmas in their new home.  As “Home for the Holidays” will come with an entirely new meaning for you this year. Enjoy yourself, take plenty of photos, and you […]
December 22, 2009

Top 9 things home buyers have in common with Santa Claus

Since I am in a holiday mood, I was looking for a fun way to combine real estate and the holidays. My idea …. create a Top 9 list of things Spring Texas homebuyers have in common with Santa Claus.  I was hoping to come up with a Top 10 list but try as I might I could only come […]
December 19, 2009

The Devil is in the Details

Have you ever heard the saying “the Devil is in the Details”?  If not, loosely translated it means the difficult part is in all the small details.  I don’t know who originated the phrase but it could have been by a Spring Texas Realtor right after she figured out there are 12 time specific tasks in our […]